I FIXED my Body


Baby two was thriving and my #HIO was gone. Then Baby three and then baby four! My own body did this all by itself, with no interventions, no drugs or donors. My #HIO is gone. I finally listened to my body and gave it what it wanted, what it needed and in return it gives me life. A glowing, thriving, energy filled life.


#HIO looks a bit different on everyone, yet many of us have the same “red flag” moments before we get the white surrender flag. #HIO can show up as dry hair, stinky feet, constipation, acne. It can look like bloating, migraines, weight gain and so so so much more. It can progress to diseases, autoimmune issues, cancer. #HIO simply stated is Health Is Off.

When your #HIO it interferes with your daily life. These are things that we confuse with common. Just because something is common does not mean it is normal for human health. Just because we see a lot of acne does not mean it is normal. Just because we see a lot of weight gain or low energy with mama’s after they have a baby does not mean it is normal.

#HIO is affecting all of us and causing us to show up less in our lives. What if I shared with you ways to help your #HIO. Things to try, adjustments to make? Would you try them? Would you do things differently to stop the #HIO cascade? Oh yes, it is always a cascade. You don’t just wake up one morning and find yourself unable to carry a pregnancy, these things started a long time before that and little by little they build up and tip the scales.

So do you have #HIO? Take this quiz to find out.   TAKE QUIZ

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This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is being provided to you to educate you about holistic nutritional, fitness and lifestyle habits and as a self-help tool for your own use. It is not medical advice. This information is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgement. For my full Disclaimer, please go to: https://insideouthealthco.com/disclaimer/

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