Tools for your Wellness Journey

The Tools

A Magic Pill

I use a lot of these tools with my family and my clients. I’m happy to share these great tools with you, but remember these are not magic solutions. They work well in conjunction with my guidance and programs. To add in one and look for life altering results is to be looking for disappointment. We don’t do that here, we are ALL about real health.  Head over to services and pick the one that is right for you.  Need help choosing…Hint– start with SPARK- You’ll LOVE it!! 

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Kids Vitamin D & Clean Bug Spray

Vitamin D is critical to our health and many of us, including our kids are too low in this essential nutrient. 

Healing Herbs

Herbs! Herbs are super powerful and a great compliment to your arsenal. I know it’s hard to know which ones to use, which is why I love Wish Garden! They name their herbal tinctures help to support the body by what symptoms you are having. My personal fav: Kickass Immune.

Adaptagenic Teas

I love tea! We put on a pot of tea almost daily. One of my favorites, Teamotions Teas are blended with the finest ingredients to support your physical and emotional wellbeing.

Essential Oils

We use lots of essential oils in our home. These plant oils are a very great resource to have to support your health! Here is one of our favorite brands.


Did you know that America’s coffee is full of mold?!?  I know how this can affect your health. Enter: INSIDEOUT20 for 20% off your first order.   


Life is full of celebration! Sometimes even if it’s just a Tuesday night. Cheers to clean wine.

Skin Care

I absolutely love the skin care, meditations, olive oil & don’t get me started on the elixers!  And I don’t have to worry about what’s in the products!

Probiotic Toothpaste

Your oral health is a key component to a great overall health. We love this toothpaste and it’s safe for all ages.

Health Foods

Tired of the junk marketing- start to shop directly with the companies and farmers that do it right! Delivered to a drop near you!

Castor Oil Packs

You can get one here.


Hands down one of our family favorites!! I cannot say enough about how amazing this is for health. My direct contact: Tim Padden 510-292-0570- connect with Tim for additional savings

Blue Light Blocking Glasses

Protect your sleep and hormones by blocking blue light at night. Add code: InsideOutHealth10 at check out for 10% off

Berkey Water Filter

Having clean water is one of the most important steps for bringing health to your family. We even travel with our Berkey!

Red Light

Red light therapy is a game changer. Stimulating your body to increase it’s cellular regernation, anti aging, reduce inflammation and fat loss to name just a few benefits.      Add: InsideOutHealth10 at checkout for 10% off. 

Kitchen Tools

Your tools will either make or break your task. Healthy living does take time and commitment, when you have the right tools it makes things easier! 

Real Plans Meal PLanning

For as little as $6 a month!! Often times the key to your success on your health journey is preparation and inspiration.  I totally get ‘busy’ and I love to have someone else do the planning for me. Meal plans are customizable;  choose from AIP, Paleo, Whole30, and many more! This makes eating healthy so easy! Click the learn more button below.

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Make the commitment to yourself that things will change. Change can feel hard even when we know that we have to do it. This world of ‘health’ and ‘health products’ can be so overwhelming that oftentimes we just pull the sheets over our heads before we even start.  It is time NOW. Start now, love yourself now. I will help guide you on this journey.